Thursday, November 15, 2012

Travel: Atlas Obscura

The cool and weird places you only know about if you're local.  Here's California:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mexico guide

The Mexico You Don't Know

Recommended by Xochi

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pao Jo Queso

Brazillian cheesy bread - gluten free! Tap flour = tapioca four

Recommended by Sienna

Maui Condo

Napili Point Resort was a great place to stay.  Snorkeling on the left, beach on the right, and tide pools right outside the door!  We stayed in A1 and like it a lot!

Recommended by Stacey

Salsa Party!

Xochi's salsa recipes
Tomatillo Salsa (roasted)
3 Albor chiles, dry
2 Serrano chiles
5 Tomatillos
Small bit of onion
1/2 Garlic clove
1 Small red tomato

Red Salsa (roasted)
8 Albor chiles
Small bit of onion
1/2 Clove garlic
7 Skinned red tomatoes


Avocado Salsa (not roasted)
3 Serrano chiles
2-3 Tomatillos
1/2 Clove garlic
Bit of water
3 Avocados

Enjoy with tortillas & cheese & margaritas!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

TV: My Life as a Turkey

A charming little film about a guy who hatched a bunch of wild turkey eggs, and they imprinted on him. He's a scientist, so he adds an interesting point of view. Check it out!